
Valentines Day Date Harpena

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*At Lena's house* 
Camryn:  *comes in Lena's room and sees Lena* Lena I thought you were suppose at your godfather's by now? 
Lena: Well last week I told him that I was going to go back two days after Valentines Day.
Camryn: Why?
Lena: Because Harper told me he and I are going to go on a Valentines Day date.
Camryn: *leaves Lena's room*
Lena: *calls Darien at his home on his cell*
Darien: *picks up the phone* Hey Lena.
Lena: Can u come over  I need your opinion on something?
Darien: *thinking of Lena in something sexy* Sure. *hangs up his phone and comes over to Lena's house* Lena where r you? 
Lena: In my room. 
Darien: *goes in her room* Why did u call? 
Lena: I need your opinion on an outfit for my date with Harper. 
Darien: You r still dating that jerk. 
Lena: I am still dating him Darien just stop. It is just something about Harper that makes me so giddy and I have a feeling when I am around him I just can not explain it. He is the only guy I have ever known to make me feel just make me want to I do not know actually forget about my uncontrollable shifting into my Drake form and every other insecurity also let my my self doubts go. 
Darien: No I will not stop Lena. That how you really feel about him? 
Lena: Yes Darien and I know you think he is a jerk. Darien if you really cared about me you would let me be happy just try to. * goes in her closet and gets on her outfit on also puts different earrings on then comes out* So what do u think? Would Harper like it? 
Darien: *just looks at Lena intensely red and speechless then just stares at Lena*
Lena: *looks at Darien* Darien u ok?
Darien: Yea it is just you in that dress. You look sexy! 
Lena: So u think Harper would like this? 
Darien: Lena every time I am around you all you can talk about is either Harper or something else.  I miss how we use to hang out when we were kids. 
Lena: I see so tomorrow do u want to maybe want to hang out? I have to go back to Uncle Wren's anyways in two days. 
Darien: Sure that is if your  boyfriend does not interrupt our plans. *in a sarcastic tone* 
Lena: Why Darien you acting in a sarcastic tone for as long as I known you have never been sarcastic?
Darien: I guess I am just jealous of not hanging  around you. Lets see you  are at your godfather's but when you are you home are around Harper most of the time. 
Lena: Darien why did you not tell me this before? You know you can talk to me and maybe I might ask Uncle Wren if you could maybe could come over there when I am over there then that way we can hang out over there. 
Darien:  Yes I do know that. *nods head* Lena you know I am just trying to protect you right? I am just worried that Harper he just might maybe hurt you in someway. 
Lena: Yes in your own weird way I guess. I am certain Harper would never treat me badly. 
Darien: *looks at the time* So what time is Harper getting here? *it is 8:25 am*
Lena: He will  be here until 8:45 am but you might want to leave now. Darien you need to understand the reason why I do not want you near me all the time I am just afraid because you are the only thing I have to a friend I am just trying to protect you.
*It is 8:30*
Darien: Fine I will leave Lena. *leaves her home*
Lena: *waits in her room and then shifts uncontrollably into her Drake form then back into her human form* 
Harper: *rings her doorbell* 
Camryn: *opens the front door*
Harper: Is Lena ready? 
Camryn: She is getting ready I think. 
Harper: *walks in the den* 
Camryn: *walks in Lena's room* Lena Harper is here. *sees Lena in her dress* Lena change something more suitable you are not going out dressed like that. 
Lena: Mom I can wear what I want besides I do not think Harper would let anyone steal me anyways. 
Camryn: U better be right Lena. *leaves her her room*
Lena: * comes out to where Harper is* 
Harper: *sees Lena his eyes just widens and jaw drops then blushes intensely * Wow Lena you look sexy!
Lena: Thanks. *kisses Harper on the cheek*
Harper: Lena ready to go? 
Lena: What are we doing for this date for Valentines Day? 
Harper: We are going to spend the whole day together. Lena go on outside I will be there in a minute. 
Lena: *goes outside* 
Harper: *calls Desiree* 
Desiree: *picks u her phone* Who is this?
Harper: Lets just say it is an old friend. 
Desiree: Harper is that u? 
Harper: Yes I need you to to do me a favor. 
Desiree: What is it? 
Harper: I need you to get someone out of my hair. 
Desiree: Who is it? 
Harper: Some guy who is trying to get my girl. Can u make sure he does not ruin my Valentines date with my girl?
Desiree: Fine but you owe me a favor Harper u know I do not do this for just anyone right?
Harper: I know. His name is Darien Strickland.
Desiree: *hangs up the phone*
Harper: *puts his phone away and joins Lena* 
Lena: *gives Harper a dirty look* 
Harper: Lets go shall we? *holds his elbow out* 
Lena: *links arms with Harper* 
Harper: I got the whole day planned first you and I are going to the Champ de Mars to have a walk. then we are going to go on a boat ride in the Seine River then finally tonight we are going to have dinner on the top of the Eiffel Tower.
Lena: *goes with Harper* 
*at Champ de Mars*
*Harper and Lena walking* 
Harper: Lena how did u pick that dress out? 
Lena: Darien helped me pick it out. 
Harper: Lena I can not stand him being near you.
Lena: *gives Harper the look* Harper you got to understand he is the only thing to a childhood friend I got.
*Harper and Lena keep on walking* 
Harper: *sees Desiree in the corner of his eye taking care of Darien* Lena go sit down I will be back in a minute. *goes to where Desiree is* 
Desiree: Well look who it is. *releases Darien* 
Harper: I thought I told you Desiree to keep him away from where I have my girl?
Desiree: Relax Harper *sneers* I tried to but this one seems to have a strong crush towards your girl. 
Harper: Stay away from my Lena. 
Darien: Never! I have known her since she and I were kids. She is too good for you all she know is peace and all you know is hatred. *shows his fangs*
Desiree: What should we do with him? 
Harper: Get him out of here Des. 

Desiree: Ok. *takes Darien away*
Harper: *goes back where Lena is* Lena ready to go on with the day?
Lena:*takes Harper's hand* 
Harper: *starts kissing Lena* 
*Harper and Lena walk*

*at the Seine River Harper and Lena are in the boat on the river*
Lena: Harper why did you tell me to wait when were at the Champ de Mars? 
Harper: Lena you do not need to worry about that. 
Lena: Harper there is something you are not telling me.
Harper: Lena you really need to stop doing this.
Lena: *looking at the sky* Harper look at the sky there are no clouds in sight. 
Harper: Yes. 
*Harper gets a text  from Desiree saying Darien keeps trying to come near you and your girl*
Harper: *picks up his phone and reads the text then puts his phone back in his pocket*
Lena: What was that about? 
Harper: U do not need to worry Lena.
Lena: *gives Harper the look*
Harper: Really Lena?
Lena: Yes really Harper it is not nice to keep secrets especially from me. 
Harper: Lena I just need you to stay away from Darien as much as you can I just do not want him to take you away from me. 
Lena: Harper again Darien is the closest thing that I have to a childhood friend. 
Harper: He has a crush on you Lena. 
Lena: I thought we been through this before? 

*2 hours later the boat ride is done almost sunset, when Lena and Harper got out of the boat on the bank of the Seine River it it started to rain and Harper and Lena start to kiss in the pouring rain* 

Harper: *picks Lena up and carries her out of the rain*
Lena: *smiling and giggles*
Harper: *puts her down then kisses her some more*
Lena: *blushes turns her back to him*
Harper: *takes Lena and pulls her close to him and puts his hands around her*
Lena: *blushes again but this time she is more red* 
*It is still raining but this time a bit heavier no one on the streets of Paris then Harper starts to sing to Lena in the rain*
Harper: *takes Lena out in the rain while he is singing to her*
Lena: *looks at Harper blushing and smiling*
*then Harper and Lena start to kiss again* 
*the rain stops then a rainbow appears*
Harper: *uses his magic to make Lena dry again*

*At the top of the Eiffel Tower about 1 hour til sunset there is a table set for two with  candles also there was romantic violin  music being played by a violinist*
Lena: *sees the table* 
Harper: *pulls his girl close to him and kisses her again*
Lena: *blushes intensely* 

*Harper and Lena sits down at the table and eats the Valentines day dinner*
*Lena and Harper finished the dinner* 
Harper: *gets up then walks behind his girl next puts on Lena this stunning Sapphire and Diamond necklace while she still in the chair* 
Lena: *looks down on her neck and looks back up* Harper you are so romantic. *gets up and kisses him* 
Harper: Nothing is too good for my girl. 
*Lena and Harper start slow dancing on top of the Eiffel Tower*
Harper: Lena would you let me ask you a couple of questions?  
Lena: What are your questions Harper? 
Harper: Would you let any guy come between you and mean even Darien? How long have you known this Darien? 
Lena: Harper you know I love only you and not let any guy come between us even Darien. I have pretty much known Darien ever since I was little. 
Harper: So what was your life like before you meet me?
Lena: Well it was good until a magic accident when I was 12 then I lived with my godfather then about two years later I left to travel then came back to my godfather's when I turned 18. 
Harper: Oh.  
Lena: Yup.
Harper: Lena there is one more thing that I have for you. 
Lena: What is it? 
Harper: What sport do you love more than anything? 
Lena: Figure skating. 
Harper: Close your eyes do not open them til I tell you to.
Lena: *closes her eyes* Ok. *smiles*
Harper: *gets a figure skating outfit and some figure skates sets them in a chair at the table* 
Lena: *eyes still closed* Can I open my eyes?
Harper: Yes. 
Lena: *opens her eyes and sees the figure skating outfit* Harper. 
Harper: *kisses Lena again* 
Lena: I shall always remember this night Harper. 
Harper: Lena you are my queen. 
Lena: Harper. You know you are going to have to meet my godfather right at some point? 
Harper: Yes *Gulping*

*sunset has past and now they stay on top of the Eiffel tower and they stay up there til 12 am*
Lena: Well I guess we will finish this my place alright Harper? 
Harper: *picks Lena up and gets the figure skating outfit and takes her home then walks in to the den*
*Harper sets the figure skating outfit on the chair in the den then sets Lena on the ground*
Lena: Harper can u stay for a while longer? 
Harper: *gets on the couch*
Lena: *gets on the couch and cuddles with Harper*
Harper: Lena you know if anyone tries to steal you from me you know what I would do right? 
Lena: Yes Harper about a million times.
Harper: Good cause you are my girl and my queen. *kisses her*
Lena: *lays her head on his shoulder then holds his hand and falls asleep*
Harper: Lena you awake? *turns his head and sees that she is asleep then falls asleep*
This is a script that I did for Harpena (Harper and Lena)
Well their date for Valentines day 
 Harper (C) :iconspicerkiween: 
 Desiree, Lena,  Camryn, and Darien (C) Me 
XS/XC belongs to Christy Hui 
I made Harper and Desiree know each other if that is alright with u Lexi?
Well Harper is determined to do anything to keep any guy away from his girl. 
I would love to see how Harper would react to this scrpit! XD 
Harper you romance magnet  and you should not keep secrets from your girlfriend. 

Stuff used in the Valentines Day date script:………………

Here is the song that Harper sings to Lena:…;

Lets just say Darien is not taking Kyung's advice still. 

ME: *smacks Darien in the back of the head*
Darien: What was that for? 
Me: That was for trying to sabatage Lena's date. 
Darien: Why? 
Me: You did not take Kyung's advice and let yourself be in her friend zone can you? No because I created you and I know how you are.
Darien: That is because I am in love with her. If you did not create me I would not be in done that in the first place.
Me: Well I knew that Lena was an only child when I made her and I wanted her to have a friend but I decided to make it interesting to have you have a crush on her. If you keep trying to drive Lena and Harper apart you might find yourself not in Lena's life at all. You know if Harper found out you were out her place and were looking at his girl in the dress he would kick your butt big time.
Darien: Well I was helping Lena with something. 
Me: Darien why do you think that Lena does not want you near her well most of the time?
Darien: I do not know.
Me: It is because you are the only thing close enough to a childhood friend that she has. 
Darien: *walks away from me*
Me: Why did I create Darien this way? 
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